
A Reflection On Eternity

Praise the Lord for the unseen things. While what is seen is transient, fallen, broken, that which is unseen is eternal, beautiful, whole.

2 Corinthians 4:18 says:

”As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

The unseen riches of God’s Eternal Kingdom are not seen by those who are dead in their sins. Yet for those of us who are alive in Christ, there is a beautiful inheritance of revelation and hope.

Thank the Lord that it is so! How easily we would despair if we constantly reflected on the brokenness of the world. How easily we can worship when we reflect on the beauties of God’s Eternal Kingdom!

Praise Action

Take a moment to read Revelation 21. Thank the Lord for the reality of the coming age where God will dwell with His people and all mourning, all crying, and all pain will be banished forever.


Thank You, Lord, for Your Eternal Kingdom of Life. Thank You that in the end of time, You will bring forth a New Heaven and a New Earth, and I will dwell with You forever. 

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