Rest in God
Feeling Restless? Discover How To Find Contentment In God!
Hi mama! Today I’m sharing an article I wrote on finding contentment in God. In this article, I share the reason we’re often restless, why it’s important to find contentment in God and how we can find contentment in God. When we do, we’ll experience God’s rest instead of restlessness. God’s peace instead of turmoil. God’s joy instead of disappointment. Why We’re Restless And Discontent Discontent is rooted in desire. We feel discontent when there is an unmet desire within us. Yet, the problem with discontent is not desire, but disordered desire. It’s when we crave what cannot satisfy, instead of turning to the only One who can. It’s when…
7 Christian Morning Routine Ideas To Help You Focus On Jesus
Looking to start a good Christian morning routine? Trying to tweak the routine you’re on now? If so, I pray this article will bless you. 🙂 In this article, I’m sharing what a morning routine is, why it’s important to have a Jesus-focused morning routine, and seven Christian morning routine ideas. (With the bonus that none of them require screens!) So, let’s get into it: What is a morning routine? It might surprise you when I say this, but… we all have a morning routine! While we don’t all do certain activities in the same order, most of us do certain things every morning – toilet, hygiene, breakfast and/or morning…
Celebrating The Sabbath As Christians
Ok, so today we’re looking at the importance of the Sabbath for us as Christians. In this post, I’m sharing why we should celebrate the Sabbath as Christians, how celebrating the Sabbath transforms our faith, and how to celebrate the Sabbath (with plenty of suggestions and ideas to get you started). Why celebrate the Sabbath as Christians? The first question is why. Isn’t observing the Sabbath an Old-Testament command for the Israelites? As Christians, aren’t we set free from the law? Ok, so first things first – yes, observing the Sabbath was a command God gave the people of Israel (Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-14, Isaiah 58:13-14). And yes, in Jesus,…
7 Guidelines To Help You Practice Sabbath As A Christian Family
Ok, so today I’m sharing about the Sabbath!! A Sabbath day is crucial to a slower pace of life as a Jesus follower. Translated literally from Hebrew to sabbath (or shabbāth) means to rest. It’s a time to rest from work and daily routines, and to focus on God and family community. Whilst not all Christians observe the Sabbath, I believe it’s part of God’s creation design and an eternal principle for the church. So today I’d like to share some guidelines on how you can implement the Sabbath as a family. 7 Guidelines To Help You Practice Sabbath As A Christian Family 1. Schedule a specific Sabbath day As…
The Importance Of Silence And Solitude For The Christian Mama
Hi, friend! Today I’m sharing about the importance of silence and solitude for the Christian mama. So let’s start with this wonderful truth: Jesus embraced silence and solitude in His everyday rhythms. He retired to desolate places to be alone with the Father. (Mark 1:35-41) So, if the saviour of the world spent time alone with God in silence, it only follows that as Christians, we are to do so, as well. Granted – it’s hard. What with small children, homemaking duties, and many other responsibilities. Yet, this is so important that Jesus not only exemplified it, but talked about it too. (Matthew 6:6) The question, perhaps then, is why…
Want A Slower Life? Check Out 5 Actionable Steps!
I must make a confession. I’m tired of this digital fast-paced world. Ok, I understand the irony! I’m writing this in a blog post, which, once published, can be read in seconds! So, I guess I don’t mean I hate everything about it. What I hate is how distracting the digital world can be sometimes. And how it can often cause us to be more impatient and rushed. As a Jesus follower, this kind of life simply doesn’t make sense. Jesus made time to be with people. He sat down and ate with friends. He was completely present in the moment. I want to be like Jesus! And so I’m…
5 Beautiful Things To Enjoy During Winter After Christmas Is Over
Ok, so we’re now in the second week of January, and with the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over, it’s common to feel low at this time of the year when we think about the Winter ahead. So today, I would love to share some wonderful things about Winter that go beyond Christmas. 5 Beautiful Things To Enjoy In Winter When Christmas Is Over 1. Nature walks Walking in nature is beautiful at any time of the year, and Winter is no exception! In fact, if you go for a walk in Winter you’ll see things you won’t see at any other time of the year: winter flowers, frost…
What Is God’s Rest? What Does Resting In God Mean?
Today I’m sharing a bit about a topic I’ve been writing about recently in my blogs and podcasts: rest in God. We hear this phrase often, but what does it actually mean? So let’s get into it . What is God’s rest? One of the dictionary definitions for rest is: – to lie or lean on something, or to put something on something else so that its weight is supported This definition is very interesting considering what Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For…