Devotions,  Faith,  Grace

Seek First The Kingdom

Today’s devotion is part of the Stepping Out In Faith Devotional Series and we’re looking at the blessing of when we seek first the Kingdom.

This devotion comprises a focus verse, a reflection, some questions for you to meditate on, and a prayer.

Focus verse

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” — Matthew 6:33


We are part of an Upside-down Kingdom. A Kingdom where we are most blessed when we give than when we receive. A Kingdom where the last is the first. A Kingdom in which we receive provision, not when we are seeking it, but when we are seeking God.

Stepping out in faith then is taking Jesus at His word and putting His Kingdom first – even when we do not have all the resources, or the best circumstances. Putting God’s Kingdom first is about putting God’s will first, and trusting in Him for the provision we need.

Sometimes this may mean spending time alone with God and seeking relationship with Him, instead of spending hours striving to increase the reach of our ministry. Other times, this may mean declaring our earnings for tax purposes – even when we have financial struggles – and trusting in God to provide our daily bread.

Stepping out in faith is taking God at His word, being led by His Spirit, and being obedient to His commands.

Questions for reflection

  • What can you sense God is leading you to step out in faith and do today?
  • Can you share this with your children and encourage them in this area too?


Lord, enable me to hear Your voice and be obedient to You today. I’m sorry for the times I chose comfort or striving in my own strength instead of trusting in Your provision. Help me step out in faith and put Your Kingdom first. Amen!

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