5 Ways To Talk To Your Children About Jesus
In today’s blog and podcast episode, I’m sharing 5 ways to talk to your children about Jesus, as part of the Missional Motherhood Series.
Do you ever struggle with talking to your children about Jesus and faith topics in a natural way? Do your children ever ask you weird and wonderful questions about Jesus and you don’t know what to say? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Today I’m going to share five practical and natural ways you can talk to your children about Jesus, based on my own experience.
Listen to the podcast episode below, or scroll down to read the notes:
5 Ways To Talk To Your Children About Jesus
1. Around the table
Great conversations happen around the table, and sometimes mealtimes are the only times of the day when families manage to talk properly.
In our family, what works well is that we have a devotion time one evening a week, where my husband or I share a story from the Bible as we’re eating dinner as a family.
Then the children can ask questions, we talk about the topics and relate them to our everyday life.
If you prefer to read a Bible story at another time, but would like to talk about faith matters at the table, you could get the conversation rolling by asking your children about their school and friends.
Before you know it, you’ll have the opportunity to speak about the Bible and what Jesus teaches us through it and relate it to your children’s circumstances.
Also, if your children are older and ask specific Bible questions that are hard to answer, commit to looking through the Bible and researching the topic together.
2. Read Bible stories before bed
Do your children still have story time at night?
If so, ask them if they’d like to hear a God story and go through one from a children’s Bible storybook (for example, The Big Picture Story Bible or The Jesus Storybook Bible), or even a regular Bible if they’re a bit older.
You could also do this story time at another time of the day and ask your children to do a drawing or a craft related to the story. Remember to encourage discussion by asking questions.
You can also look into the background of the places mentioned in the Bible stories to encourage awareness of historical and geographical context. The Baker Book of Bible Travels for Kids is a good resource.
3. Watch children’s Bible series and films
Watch an episode or film together and talk about it at the end. Youtube has many children’s Bible series you can choose from, like VeggieTales for younger children, and The Bible Project, for older kids.
If your children enjoy films, there are many to choose from: The Star – The Story of the First Christmas, The Prince of Egypt, Joseph King of Dreams.
Ask your children questions and try to relate the stories to their real-life circumstances to make the stories come alive.
4. Listen to children’s praise music together
Your children will enjoy listening to their peers pouring their hearts out to God, and they’ll be able to relate to the type of music due to the simple lyrics and rhythm. My children love Kids Praise Funtastic Family.
You could put kids praise music on while doing family chores and get the children to really listen to and memorize the lyrics. It’s also a good idea to talk through the lyrics and encourage discussion on topics about God.
5. Pray together
Finally, praying together is a great way to talk about issues, worries and fears as well as eternal truths about God: His faithfulness, love, and goodness.
Try to create a prayer routine every night before bed, and at mealtimes, but don’t restrict your prayer time to this. Show your children that praying can happen any time, anywhere.
Also, encourage your children to pray from a young age. Show them they don’t have to be eloquent, as God yearns to hear their sincere prayers.
What do you think? Would you like to give these a go? Let me know in the comments.
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