Devotions,  Faith

The Freedom Of Faithful Stewardship

Hi! Today I’m sharing a short devotion about the importance of stewarding God’s gifts to us as Christian mums. This faithful stewardship leads to freedom because when we’re doing what we were designed to do, we’re living according to the plans and purposes of our Creator.

So let’s get into it:

The Freedom Of Faithful Stewardship

Focus verse

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)


Stewardship is about being responsible for the things God has put under our care. It’s about taking control of our health, gifts, finances. It’s about raising our children, who were entrusted by God to us, and taking care of them until the moment they leave the family unit. It’s about stewarding our marriage relationship, our jobs, our homes.  

Today’s Bible verse speaks to me particularly about this is as it focus on how we can use our gifts to love others. When we take control of our health, we are more able to serve others with energy. When we raise our children according to godly principles, we are able to serve society by raising people who will bless others. When we take control of our jobs and execute them to the best of our abilities, we serve others with our work.

faithful stewardship
Stewardship is about being responsible for the things God has put under our care.
Photo credit: Marco Testi on Unsplash

This type of control is godly, and it is focused on stewarding what God has entrusted us to bless others. So, here the focus is on God. Faithful stewardship is understanding that all good gifts come from the Father of Lights, who wants to partner with us in using those gifts for His glory.

It’s when we love God above all else, that we can take on responsibility for the gifts He has given us, while not letting them become idols. Indeed, when we understand stewardship, we understand that what we have is not really ours. It’s God’s.

Therefore, when the time comes for those gifts to leave our stewardship, we are able to release them. The more we know God, the more we will be able to ‌steward His gifts with unclenched fists and open hands. 

Questions for reflection

– What gifts has God entrusted you with?

– How can you use those gifts to bless others?

– How can you teach this principle to your children?


Lord, help me to steward every gift You give me in faithful obedience to You. May I understand that all things belong to You and so help me to steward that which You entrust to me with unclenched fists and open hands. May I glorify Your name by living in obedience to You, and loving You first above all else. Amen.

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