Discipleship,  Faith

Embracing His Wholeness

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4


As Christians who struggle with our fallen nature, sometimes we have this super spiritual idea that we need to suppress our brokenness and put on the “Christian who has it all together” persona. Not just toward others, but also toward God Himself!

Yet, in Scripture, we see something totally different. When we read the psalms of David, for instance, we see that God blesses the psalmist’s confession of weakness and sin.

The reason we often keep our brokenness hidden in darkness is that we struggle with shame. We forget that Jesus has already taken all our shame and nailed it to the cross. We forget that our righteousness is in Him, not out performance.

Jesus’ sacrifice means that instead of putting on the “Christian who has it all together” persona, we can approach our Father exactly as we are and bring our every struggle to Him. Our anxiety. Our fear. Our broken thought patterns.

Then, as we expose our brokenness to the light, we not only weaken the hold it has over us, but we also position ourselves to receive God’s freedom, wholeness, and joy.

This doesn’t mean we’ll never experience weakness again. What it does mean is that as we open ourselves up to God over and over again, we will gradually become people marked by peace, joy and wholeness, rather than anxiety and brokenness.

So, instead of trying to look like we have it all together, God invites us to seek Him, confess our struggles and sins, experience His deliverance, and experience hope even on our darkest days.

Questions for reflection

  • Do you have anxieties, fears, brokenness that you know you need to expose to the Father of Lights?
  • Bring them to Him now and ask Him to set you free and fill you with His love.


Lord, I seek You now. I have been anxious, broken, afraid. This is what’s on my heart ….(insert your struggles). Help me, Lord. I can’t do this on my own. I’m done pretending that all is well. You know what’s deep inside. Lord, I surrender all to You. Set me free, Lord. Amen!

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embracing His wholeness

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