Devotions,  Faith

Forgiven – A Devotion For Mothers

Ever struggle with mum guilt? Ever struggle with the burden of your wrongdoing?

The problem is that the world often sells us the idea that “it’s ok, you’re just human after all”. That’s true to a certain extent. After all, as humans, we all fall short and fail.

But for me, knowing that others fail, doesn’t take away the burden of my own failing. It doesn’t release me from the guilt of my own wrongdoing.

What releases me is knowing this: In Jesus, I am no longer condemned. (Romans 8:1) God offers me complete forgiveness despite my failings. Not because of me, but because of Jesus.

My identity is in Jesus.

Do you struggle with mum guilt? Reflect on the Gospel.

I don’t know if you ever struggle with mum guilt, but if you do remember this:

🌷 Jesus took all your sin on the cross – past, present, and future. (Hebrews 10:12)

🌷 As far as the East is from the West, so far has God removed your transgressions from you (Psalm 103:12).

🌷 For by one sacrifice God has made perfect forever those who are being made holy (Hebrews 10:14).

🌷 Your identity is no longer based on your actions but on Jesus’. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

🌷 Accusations that lead to guilt come from the Evil One. Conviction of sin comes from God. (Romans 8:1)

Questions for Reflection

  1. How does knowing what Jesus did for you set you free from the burden of guilt?
  2. How can you take hold of the truth about your identity and freedom from condemnation, in the midst of your feelings of brokenness and guilt?


Thank you, Father, that you have removed all my transgressions from me. Thank you that you offer complete forgiveness from sin. That you that in Jesus I am no longer under the power of sin or death. Thank you that my identity is in Jesus and I am a new creation.


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