Missional Motherhood – Sharing The Gospel With Others
This blog post is from the Missional Motherhood Series and today I’m sharing some ways we can go about sharing the Gospel with others as a family.
Sharing the Gospel as a family is not simply a nice thing to do, but it’s actually a step of obedience in fulfilling the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:16-20) Indeed, this is what missional motherhood is all about.
Yes, we can share the Gospel individually, but think how much more blessing we’ll experience when we go out into the world and preach the Gospel as a united family team! Think how beautiful it’ll be for our children to see us carry out the command of making disciples before their very eyes and then doing the same!
So hopefully now you’ll see how wonderful this is and if you’re led by God to do this, then keep reading as I’m going to share three steps in sharing the Gospel with others.
Now, sharing the Gospel is not about necessarily following a certain strategy or plan. Sometimes it happens naturally out of conversation when the Holy Spirit guides us that way (I have several testimonies of this).
However, when we plan to share the Gospel with others (i.e. we’re intentional about it) we can follow this three step plan: pray, plan, and do.
So, let’s get into the detail!
Missional Motherhood: Sharing The Gospel With Others – A 3-Step Plan
1. Pray
The first thing to do before we share the Gospel with others is to pray for them. Here are some things we can be praying for:
The person or people receiving the Good News
- God’s truth to be revealed to them
- Freedom from bondage to the enemy’s lies
- That God would prepare their hearts to receive the Word
- Their spiritual eyes would be opened
- That God’s Spirit would convict them of sin and God’s holiness
- That they would say yes when we invite them to specific events and meet-ups
- Issues in that person’s life (divorce, financial problems, school problems)
- Opportunities to share
- Direction as to planning opportunities to share
- Spiritual knowledge on how to pray for them and what to tell them
- The right words in season
2. Plan (In Prayer)
The next thing to do is to plan situations to share the Gospel and show God’s love (still in a spirit of prayer and openness to God’s direction)
- schedule and plan ways of giving practical help to the person/people God is leading us to (cleaning, cooking a meal, a gift)
- plan events to invite them to (church picnic, a Bible study, dinner at home)
- plan situations that open up conversation with the person/people and develop relationships and opportunities to share (play dates with the kids, have coffee together, etc.)
- plan a time of prayer and/or Bible study with the person/people receiving the Good News
- give them a special resource that will lead them to God (a book, song, podcast)
3. Do
The next step is to do. That means we move from praying and planning together as a family to actually speaking to and planning to meet up with the people we’re sharing the Good News with. Then, we need to make sure we carry through with our plans!
Here it’s important to keep these things in mind:
- Pray for God’s protection from the enemy’s schemes and ask God to open up doors according to His will
- Schedule the events/ meet-ups and don’t let anything except emergencies get in the way
- Ask for others in the church to pray for protection, open doors, and for God’s will to prevail
- Go through with all the plans in submission to God’s direction and in continuous prayer
After sharing God’s love and the Gospel
- Keep praying for the person/people as a family (use the list in number 1 to help get you started)
- Get them involved with more people from church (introducing them to each other)
- Follow-up with the people you shared the Gospel with and keep planning to meet them
- Give them a Bible and offer to pray/do Bible study with them
Ok, so that’s about it for today, but as we put this in practice together as a family, I’d love to keep you in the loop with what God has been doing in us and through us.
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