• Faith,  Podcast,  Rule of Life

    Resting in Freedom

    In this week’s blog and podcast episode from the Rule of Life Series, I talk about resting in freedom as we understand God’s design for rest. I also explore why we can rest, and how we can rest as busy mamas. Listen in to the episode below. 🙂 Now for the article! In this blog post, we’re going to explore three areas about resting in freedom: What is God’s design for rest? God designed us to rest, a fact that is clear in the creation account. God made the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh (Genesis 2:1-3). God didn’t need to rest. He chose…

  • Faith,  Podcast,  Rest in God,  Slow Living

    Want A Slower Life? Check Out 5 Actionable Steps!

    I must make a confession. I’m tired of this digital fast-paced world. Ok, I understand the irony! I’m writing this in a blog post, which, once published, can be read in seconds! So, I guess I don’t mean I hate everything about it. What I hate is how distracting the digital world can be sometimes. And how it can often cause us to be more impatient and rushed. As a Jesus follower, this kind of life simply doesn’t make sense. Jesus made time to be with people. He sat down and ate with friends. He was completely present in the moment. I want to be like Jesus! And so I’m…