Faith,  Life

5 Biblical Truths For Anxious Mamas Over Christmas

Christmas. I loved it as a child. The family time, the gifts, the food. But now, as a busy wife and mum of three (one of whom has a birthday on the 26th of December), I often feel overwhelmed at this time of the year.

I don’t need to tell you what constitutes my to-do list (you can probably imagine) but what I can tell you is what God has been speaking to me recently through His word, and which has brought me so much peace during this busy season.

Though there are practical steps we can all take to help us get organised and therefore feel less stressed, often there are also some root beliefs that are not Biblical that cause us to feel anxious around this time of the year.

And those root beliefs need to be uprooted and replaced with Truth from God’s word.

So here go 5 key Biblical truths for anxious mamas to mediate on.

5 Biblical Truths For Anxious Mamas Over Christmas

1. God is in control

The fact that God is in control should shape the way we live our whole lives. But it’s something we need to remind ourselves of often.

After all, sometimes it seems like “life happens” to us, and we can’t always understand why we have certain struggles. In the busy Christmas season, we may struggle with health issues, family conflict, financial problems.

Yet, the truth remains that everything that happens in our lives as God’s children happens because God allows it. God is in control, He is with us, and He is using everything together for our good and His glory (Psalm 118:6, Romans 8:28) to conform us to the image of His son.

Not only that, but we can also trust that God is our deliverer, and He won’t let us be tempted beyond what we can endure. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

2. Jesus is our perfection

Often at Christmas, we have expectations for perfection. We look for it in ourselves. We want to be perfect wives, mums, sisters, daughters, friends. We want to decorate the house beautifully. And make knock-out food. And give our children beautiful experiences.

But then reality strikes. We leave the cake in the oven too long. We forget to buy a present for so and so. We order the turkey too late.

Then engulfed in our feelings of inadequacy, overwhelm takes over.

The reality is that we are striving for perfection in ourselves, instead of looking at Jesus alone.

The Bible is clear that as human beings, we will fail. We’re limited. Yet, there is hope. Jesus lived the perfect life we could not live, and by putting our trust in Him, our sins were laid on Him and His perfection is given to us. (2 Corinthians 5:21).

We don’t need to strive for our own perfection. We can rest in Jesus’.

3. We live in a world under the curse of sin

At Christmas we often carry expectations for perfect memory-making experiences. We look for perfection in our circumstances, and in the people around us, as if somehow we’ve stopped living in a world under the curse of the fall!

The reality is that on this side of heaven, we can expect struggles, problems, and imperfections (John 16:33). But that doesn’t mean we should live under fear or disappointment.

God calls us to find our joy, purpose, and hope in Him. Not in other people. Not in our circumstances.

When we put our hope in God, we are able to let go of our expectations of perfection towards people and circumstances, as we understand that God alone can satisfy the deep yearnings of our heart.

(I’ve written an entire chapter about this in my book Impact: Gospel Hope For Every Woman.)

4. God promises us provision when we put His Kingdom first

Often during the Christmas holiday season we worry about provision: will we have enough time to organise everything? Will we have enough energy to deal with the intense family time? Will we have enough money to buy presents for everyone?

Yet, the Bible teaches us that God will provide for all our needs when we put His Kingdom first (Matthew 6:25-33).

Whenever we feel overwhelmed with anxiety over money, presents, relationships, or time, God calls us to take our every anxiety to Him in prayer and give Him thanks for all His beautiful gifts (Philippians 4:6-7).

5. God has given us His Spirit to help us

This is something God has been reminding me of recently. I’m not on my own during this intense time of work, Christmas preparations, church events, and family commitments.

God has sent us His Spirit to help, teach, empower, comfort, and guide us (John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 1:17-20, Romans 8:26-27).

So, mama, this busy holiday season, you are not alone. Trust in God’s Spirit to empower you, guide you, and teach you!

That’s it for today.

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5 biblical truths for anxious mamas

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