Growing In Faith,  Podcast

He Commands Even The Winds And The Water

From The Growing In Faith Devotional Series

How do we grow in faith? We need a change of direction! In this episode, I share what that means, as well as a testimony of God’s faithfulness.

He Commands Even The Winds And The Water – S7 E3 

Focus Verse

“Where is your faith?’ he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” Luke 8:25


Sometimes we think of faith as something we will naturally grow in if only we practise the spiritual disciplines. Of course, that’s part of it. But growing in faith is not just a general increase in faith, rather a change of direction in our faith.

Faith develops as we direct our trust away from what the world tells us is true, or what we expect based on our fears, and direct it to the God who commands even the winds and the water. 

Growing in faith in God then happens when we deposit more faith in God than in people, situations, or experiences. 

To do this, we certainly need to read the Bible, pray, fast, and spend time in praise, but let’s not think that by just doing these, our faith will grow. Our faith actually builds up when we apply faith to our everyday life circumstances, our thoughts, and our actions. 

When we have health concerns, instead of taking a diagnosis of chronic disease as final, we turn to God, who is able to heal the unhealable. 

When we experience financial issues, instead of taking on the mindset of living for money first, we turn to God, who provides as we put His Kingdom first.

And when we consider job or ministry opportunities, instead of choosing money, status or comfort first, we choose to follow God’s direction because we know what He has for us is better than anything we could choose for ourselves. 

The same is true for our children. When they have problems at school, we can turn to God’s word for wisdom instead of following the empty parenting philosophies of the world. Or when our children have problems with their sleep or health, we can turn to God and ask for His grace and deliverance, trusting that however God answers, it will be according to His goodness.

In all these there’s a shift. From believing what the world tells us, and choosing to believe in God. Knowing that in everything, God is sovereign, powerful, and good.

Questions for reflection

  • Have there been any recent situations where you’ve put more faith in situations, experiences or what other people say, over what God says?
  • How can you redirect your faith away from the world’s narrative and put faith in God’s word in your everyday moments?


Thank You, Lord that You command the winds and the water. Thank You that You are sovereign. Thank You that You are my provider, and I can trust You will give me everything I need when I put Your Kingdom first. Thank You that by choosing to follow Your will, I will experience more intimacy with You. Amen.

That’s it for today! If this devotion blessed you, pin it!

he commands even the winds

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