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Mum Of 3 Morning Routines – To-Do List

Hi, fellow mums!

Today, I thought I would share with you my school day morning routines and to-do list.

Now there may be a day here and there when a spanner is thrown in the works and I might not have enough time to do everything on my morning to-do list before we head out of the door. But truth be told, I follow this list 95% of the time.

So here goes:

Morning To-Do List

  • devotionals – reading, praying, meditating
  • writing
  • prepare breakfast
  • get ready (shower, clothes, make-up)
  • help kids with breakfast
  • put recycling/rubbish out
  • clear up breakfast things
  • level 1 bathroom spot clean
  • make Daniel’s bed (my hubby makes ours and the girls make their own)
  • help children finish getting ready (hair, shoes)
  • level 2 or 3 weekly cleaning
  • computer work

Morning To-Do List Explained

Ok, so most mornings I get up at around 6.15 and I make a cup of tea and have my devotional time. Then I work on my computer until 7.35, make porridge, or lay out cereal and then I go upstairs to get showered and dressed and I do a quick 5-minute make-up look.

Then at 8.00 I help my kids with their breakfast, and do a few level 1 jobs, like the recycling. Then I clear up the breakfast dishes, make Daniel’s bed, and spot clean the bathrooms.

Finally, I’ll help my children with shoes, coats, etc. and then when they’re all out of the door (hubby takes them to school on his way to work), I get ahead with my level 2 or level 3 cleaning routine. For more on that click here.

I’ll then sit down at the computer at around 9.30 and start my computer work for the day.

And that’s it!

If you’d like to read about what I do in the evenings, please check my article Evening Routines.

How about you? What are your mornings like? Do you follow a to-do list or have a set routine or do you prefer to mix things up a bit? Let me know in the comments below. 🙂

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