Onto The Water
Today I’m sharing the second devotion in the Stepping Out In Faith Devotional Series on the blog and podcast called: Onto The Water.
This devotion focuses on the story of Peter walking on water towards Jesus from Matthew 14.
Onto The Water
Focus verse
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. – Matthew 14:29
One of the amazing highlights of this account of faith, falter and rescue is how Peter trusted in Jesus enough to get down from the boat and actually start walking on water. When I picture it, I see a rough sea, howling winds, and perhaps rain.
Peter knew the dangers of the sea. He was a fisherman.
Yet, Peter had also come to know and trust in Jesus. And this faith in Jesus triumphed over what he knew about the dangers of rough waters.
Peter had just seen Jesus walk on water, and so he believed in His power.
Amazingly, Peter is the only recorded person (other than Jesus) to have actually done this. Truth be told, he faltered. But Jesus rescued him. And in fact, I believe Jesus commended Peter for his faith (even though he went through a season of doubt) which is probably why this story was recorded in the Bible, in the first place.
Peter’s initial faith was rooted in Jesus’ authority. He knew that if Jesus called him, Peter would be able to walk.
And so we too will be able to walk on water, when Jesus calls us to walk by faith and not by sight.
I know in my life there have been times where I’ve started out in faith in what God has shown me to do, only to falter along the way. Nevertheless, Jesus rescued me. As he did, Peter.
The most important thing is to step out of the boat and start walking in obedience to Him. Even if the journey has trials. Because though we doubt, Jesus is faithful.
Questions for reflection
- In what areas do you particularly struggle to have faith?
- Do you sometimes feel anxious about your children’s wellbeing and follow what culture tells you instead of trusting in God?
- How does God’s power help you walk by faith?
Thank You, Father God, that You are powerful over all my circumstances. Thank You for this example of faith. Help me step out and walk on water. Give me the ability to be obedient to Your word. Thank You, Jesus, that if I falter, You are faithful and You are able to rescue me.