
3 Gospel Truths That Will Transform Your Life As A Mama

Today I’m sharing 3 Gospel Truths that will transform your life as a mama. Why? Because I believe these truths will change your life as well.

Just to give some context, when I was a young mum, I struggled with insecurity, guilt, and inadequacy.

Over time, by prayer and reading the Bible, I came to see I was listening to the lies of the enemy. He had me where he wanted me – self-focused and not living according to the Truth of the Gospel.

But God reminded me of life-giving truths and showed me how to apply them to my reality as a mother.

So, dear mama, it’s my privilege to share these with you today. For each one, I’ve included Bible references and a prayer to help you on your journey to peace and gospel hope.

5 Life-Changing Gospel Truths That Will Transform Your Life As A Mama

1. Your identity is not in your motherhood, it is in Christ

gospel truths that will transform your life as a mama - your identity is in Christ
Your identity is in Christ. Photo credit: Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—John 1:12

Sometimes when we become mothers, it can seem that our identity has changed. After all, our priorities, brains, and emotions differ from before.

Not only that, but our biological and emotional reactions to what happens to our children, show that we go through a rewiring of sorts.

Yet, the world tells us we shouldn’t lose our identity. We should pursue the inner self. The women we were before having kids.

The woman who liked reading novels, taking a holiday in the sun, and having a day at the spa. The woman who used to pursue a career and enjoy going out at night.

So what’s the world’s solution? Approach motherhood as a temporary hindrance. Then, once the hard days are over, go back to nurturing the woman deep inside.


Our core identity has nothing to do with being a woman or a mother? Yes, we are built a certain way according to God’s creation design. We are mothers who God designed to nurture, care for, and love our children. All of these are true.

But in our core identity, we are children of God (John 1:12).


Our identity did not change the moment we became mothers. Nor is it something we lost when we became mothers.

Motherhood is a gift and a blessing from God above, and it does not change the core of who we are in

Our identities changed once in our Life – when we received Christ’s salvation.


That is your identity, mama. You are a child of God.

2. Motherhood is not about bringing attention to ourselves, it’s about glorifying God

gospel truths that will transform your life as a mama - glorify God
It’s about glorifying God. Photo credit: Brooke Cagle on Unsplash.

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness! —Psalm 115:1

In a worldly mindset, motherhood is about showing acts of love, great parenting skills, and the best parenting choices.

Mothers must show everyone how they can bring up these wonderful human beings, who always look cute, achieve the best grades, and can speak Mandarin at four.

Mothers must show their love is perfect by giving their children the best food, a variety of extracurricular activities, and just the right sensorial stimulation.

Good mothers are ones who private school their children; bake cookies with them on the weekends; ferry them around everywhere; and never say no to their children’s requests.

Great mothers carry their babies instead of using strollers; take photos of them all day; and organise exceptional birthday parties.

Such mothers deserve recognition and praise. All other mothers fall short.


This type of mother is a product of subliminal messages in the media bent on creating consumer culture on buying, and spending to achieve?

What if mothers, as described above, do not exist? What if motherhood is less about us and our achievements and performance and more about bringing glory to God?

As Revelation 4:11 says, God alone is worthy, and He is the one to be worshipped.

“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”


As mothers, our primary job is not to draw attention to our great parenting skills. Our job is to draw attention to God – our perfect Father.

As Christian mamas, we are not to strive to achieve the standards of perfection of the world, rather, we are to rest in the One who is perfect in all His ways.


We are to always bring glory to the One who never fails- our perfect Father in Heaven.
To Him Be The Glory Forever And Ever.

3. Motherhood Is Not About Creating Perfect Little Geniuses, Motherhood Is About Raising Unique Disciples

gospel truths that will transform your life as a mama - raise unique disciples
Motherhood is about raising unique disciples. Photo credit: Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. – Matthew 28:19-20

In Westernised culture, parenting is about raising perfect little humans – children who are polite, talented, and learn to walk, talk and read at exactly the right development stages (or preferably earlier).

These little humans must also be gifted. They must be extroverted, good at sports and have an ear for
music. They must get good grades, be good at arts, and have great interpersonal skills.

They must also learn how to speak several languages, do ballet, and learn judo in order to be well-rounded citizens of the earth.

Yet,only if these gifts lead to recognition and status. After all, parents need to develop their children’s potential to become celebrities. This is why we must also teach children to come out of their shell, so that one day they can become all that we want them to be!


Our children are not meant to follow certain standards of perfection, but be unique human beings designed by God with specific gifts, talents, and callings?

What if God does not want us to focus on bringing up little perfect celebrity kids, rather unique disciples who will honour Him by being who He designed them to be and follow Him no matter what?


As mothers, we have the unique opportunity to make disciples out of our children, and we do so by sharing the Gospel with them.


Our children will truly feel released to be who God designed them to be, rather than who culture tells them to be. As mothers, we will glorify God, make disciples and impact eternity by raising our children to be unique disciples of Jesus.


The Gospel changes us. We need it to transform us in a world bent on self-focus, success mindset, and comparisonitis.

The Gospel shows us that as mothers, our identity is in Christ, we’re called to glorify God, and we’re called to raise unique disciples.

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