
Rooted And Built Up In Him

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Today’s devotion in the Growing In Faith Devotional Series focuses on how we can grow in faith: through faith in Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Rooted And Built Up In Him – S7 E2

Focus verse 

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”  Colossians 2:6-7


We are not meant to grow in faith on our own. Just as we received Christ by faith, we are to continue to live in Him by faith, and rest in His power at work within us through His Spirit. Rooted in His righteousness on our behalf. Built up in Him to approach God’s throne with confidence. 

Often, our faith is weak when we focus on ourselves. When our focus is on our shortcomings or limitations. When we look to Christ, though, everything changes. We see that although we sin, and we’re undeserving of God’s riches, we can still pray in faith according to God’s will in humble confidence that we stand in Jesus’ righteousness. 

This kind of faith is not meant to be static, but to grow. Yet, we can’t cause our faith to grow by our own willpower. Again, it’s about God’s work within us. Asking God to increase our faith in Him.

Often what will happen as a result is that the Lord will allow us to experience situations that test our faith, so that we turn to Him in desperation and dependency. The wonderful assurance we have is that when we turn to God, we will taste and see that He is good.

I had a situation recently where my faith was tested. I believed it was God’s will to publish my book, Impact: Gospel Hope For Every Woman, but on the week I tried to publish it, I encountered a lot of problems.

First, the typesetting program I use for my book was glitching, then the cover I uploaded to Amazon didn’t work. I turned to God in prayer again and again. Sometimes I felt stressed, other times I was at peace. But through it all, God showed me to stand on His promises throughout Scripture and to trust in Him.

Finally, after days of struggle, I managed to publish the book and I tasted God’s goodness throughout it all.

Maybe you’re not a writer like me, but I’m sure that as a mother, you’ve had your share of faith struggles, whether because of illness, school problems, or behavioural issues.

My encouragement to you today is to go to God in your righteousness in Jesus, and pray for His will. Pray that God would shower you with faith in Him and give you His peace beyond understanding. Pray out God’s promises in the Bible, and let Him strengthen you.

Questions for reflection

  • What recent situations do you feel God has been using to test and develop your faith muscles?
  • What situations with your children do you find particularly difficult to manage? How can you trust more in God in the midst of those situations?


Lord, thank You that You are always good, holy, and powerful. Thank You that Your ways are higher than my ways. In the name of Jesus, I pray You would strengthen my faith in You. I pray for Your peace beyond understanding as I encounter the storms of life. May I glorify You with my life. Amen!

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