Devotions,  Faith

Secure In Him – A Devotion For Mothers

Today, I’m sharing a devotion about the importance of tethering our identity on God as mothers. When we focus on ourselves and base our identity in other things, we fall into either inadequacy and fear, or pride and self-focus. Let us base our identity on Christ, the perfecter of our faith.

Focus Verse

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. – 1 Corinthians 3:7


Ever felt that, as a mum, you had to follow certain standards or behaviour to achieve the ‘perfect mother’ status? Ever experienced mummy wars? How about mum rivalry? 

I have good news for you.

One, if you said yes to the above, you’re not alone. 

Two, there is hope. When we truly understand God’s wonderful gift of grace to us, we come to see how everything is about Him. It doesn’t matter if we don’t follow our culture’s standards of the ‘perfect mother’. Or that we are different from our mum friends in our parenting approaches. What truly matters is that Jesus is Lord of our lives, and we follow our conscience before Him. God has designed us to be unique mothers! There is no need for rivalry. Has God called you to stay at home with your children? Thank Him. Has God called you to work outside the home? Praise Him. Don’t worry about other people’s expectations, standards, or perceptions. Follow God’s unique calling for you as a mother.

Read: 1 Corinthians 3:1–9

Questions for reflection 

1. What situations have led you to feel you had to meet certain man-made ‘perfect mother’ standards? 

2. How can knowing God’s unique calling over you as a mother help you relinquish other people’s expectations?


Thank You, Father God, for choosing me as the unique mother for my unique children. Thank You for Your unique calling over my motherhood. Thank You for calling me, as a Christian mother, to glorify You. Not myself. Thank You for calling me to follow Your standards and not those of others. Thank You for calling me to follow Your will, not that of others. Please help me grow in security in You.


Excerpt from Beautiful Truth – A 21-Day Devotional for Mothers.

secure in God - devotion for mothers

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