Devotions,  Faith

The Righteous Shall Live By Faith

Today I’m sharing the first devotion in the Walking By Faith Devotional Series over here on the blog. Today’s devotion is a reflection on Romans 1:17. I’ve also included some questions for you to meditate on, and a short prayer. (I encourage you to read and meditate on these before you pray!)

So, let’s get into today’s devotion πŸ™‚

The Righteous Shall Live By Faith

Focus verse

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, β€œThe righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17


In our walk with God, we not only step out in faith and grow in faith, but we also live by faith. Every day, every moment in fact, is a unique opportunity to believe in God.

While we will certainly experience key moments in our lives where God calls us to step out in faith and leave our comfort zone, often our daily lives involve more of a moment-by-moment walk by faith.

When our children misbehave, we can choose to either trust in God and ask Him to enable us to correct them (through His word and His work by the Spirit), or we can choose to trust ourselves and strive to solve the problem on our own.

In our marriages, when we experience financial strain, sickness, or stress, we can either choose to trust in God for provision, wisdom and grace, or we can try to take matters into our own hands.

In our work lives, we can either choose to surrender to Christ’s rule and let Him lead us, or we can choose to go our own way and treat faith as something that is only relevant on Sundays and during morning devotionals!

God wants more. He wants surrendered lives! Why? Because in surrendering to our Creator and walking by faith, we live in accordance to the way He designed us!

This daily walk by faith is also important, because we can’t take steps of faith in the big moments of life, if we haven’t already been obedient in the small moments.

In today’s verse we’re reminded that our position in Christ as righteous is by faith. Let us then not only believe in Christ for our salvation, but also for our daily living and working.

Questions for reflection

  • In what small ways can you live by faith in your daily life?
  • Have you trusted in yourself more than you’ve trusted in God when it comes to raising your children?
  • How can you depend more on God’s help when it comes to being a mother?


Thank You, Lord God, that the righteous live by faith. Lord, I want to live by faith. I want to walk by faith. I want to trust You moment by moment. In the little things as well as the big things. Help me, Lord, I pray. I need Your Spirit to empower me to live a life of faith. Help me draw close to You and learn more about You so that I can walk by faith. Amen!

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