Cleaning,  Hacks,  Homemaking

7 Hacks For A Clean And Organized Home – Plus Free Housework Checklist!

Who doesn’t like a clean and clutter-free home? While being OCD about cleaning and organizing is definitely not healthy, neither is being in a constant state of mess and dirt!

Balance is key! Especially when it comes to homemaking.

So today I thought I’d share with you some hacks for a clean, organized house, without you having to spend hours cleaning and tidying every day.

The key is to create routines and checklists so that you don’t repeat the same jobs over and over, and then forget to do others.

You see, that’s what happened with me a few years ago before I started implementing routines and checklists.

I would dust the bedrooms when they didn’t really need it, and then I wouldn’t get round to decluttering the kitchen!

That’s why routines work for me, and why I’m passionate about sharing my routines and checklists with you!

Enter the free and printable Ultimate Housework Checklist! You can download it at the bottom of this page!

In the meantime, check out some great tips for keeping your house clean and tidy.

1. Make beds, spot clean bathrooms and sweep hotspots every day

Hacks For A Clean And Organized Home

I didn’t use to do this in my early years as a mum, but doing these three things every day really does help make the house look so much cleaner and tidier.

Get family members to make their beds (provided they’re old enough!) while you do a rotational bathroom clean (Monday – vanity and sink, Tuesday – floors, Wednesday – mirrors, Thursday – bath/shower, Friday- cupboards. Toilet – every day!).

Then, quickly sweep or hoover the entrance hall, and kitchen. Or wait until after cooking and meals to do a quick general hoover. This will prevent too much dust from accumulating during the week!

2. Dust and hoover every week

Hacks For A Clean And Organized Home

If you want to keep your house generally clean, simply give the whole house a general dust and hoover once a week.

Dusting and hoovering the bedrooms, kitchen and living areas every week by allocating different weekdays for different rooms (for instance: Mondays – living-room, Tuesday – kitchen, etc.) means general cleaning doesn’t become overwhelming.

If you’d like to read about my cleaning routine check my article TOMM – the cleaning routine that changed my life.

3. Clean everyday appliances bi-weekly

clean appliances regularly

I don’t know about you, but when the children were little, I used to only clean my oven and fridge as and when I noticed they needed a clean.

The problem was that sometimes in my rush, I wouldn’t notice they needed it until they were eye-sore dirty! 🤣

That’s why nowadays I like to clean these appliances on rotation every two weeks. Actually, the oven is quick to clean because I use washable oven liners, and I don’t do a deep clean every time. As for the fridge, when you clean it regularly, it’s also easy to maintain.

4. Clean windows regularly

clean windows

Shiny windows are lovely, but when you have small humans around they get smeared with fingerprints more often than you have time to clean them!

It’s part and parcel of the whole mama gig! But don’t despair and don’t give up!!

Simply clean the windows on rotation every few weeks and then wipe fingerprints off, as and when you can! Window wipes are a godsend for that!

5. Declutter

declutter to keep house organized

Decluttering really is the best way to keep your house looking tidy, and it even helps you stop losing things.

I like to declutter different rooms in the house at least once a month, and then I clear hotspots (entrance hall shoe rack, living-room table, kitchen table) every few days!

6. Keep on top of the laundry

keep on top of the laundry

Keeping on top of the laundry will help you not to have piles of clothes all over the place, especially if you need said clothes in a hurry!

Washing, folding and tidying a load of laundry a day means the laundry won’t accumulate and it will be a lot less overwhelming to do than if you leave it all for one specific day.

But this is a matter of preference and availability. The key thing is to have a system for putting washed laundry away quickly.

You can always get your children to help with this, if they’re old enough!

7- Clean and organize cupboards and drawers

organize cupboards

Clean and tidy cupboards are like a little drop of heaven! By creating a regular routine for clearing your cupboards. wardrobes and drawers, you’ll keep rubbish and unused clothes at bay and you’ll be able to find what you need more easily. Win win!

And that’s it!

Would you like more tips?

Download The Free Ultimate Housework Checklist

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