Podcast,  Redeeming Time

Look Carefully Then How You Walk

From the Redeeming Time Devotional Series

Today I’m sharing devotion number five in the Redeeming Time Devotional Series: Look Carefully Then How You Walk.

Here goes today’s devotion on this Blog and on the Podcast.

Look Carefully Then How You Walk – S2 E5

Focus verse

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15,16


As Christians, God’s heart for us is to walk in His ways and make the best use of the time He has given us. What does that look like for us as mums?

Well, walking in wisdom comes with understanding stewardship. God has given us our children to steward for a short time here on Earth, and He wants us to bring up our children in His righteousness. As Christian parents, we are not to walk in the ways of the world and get trapped in consumerism or hustle culture, but ‌teach our children the Gospel. 

When I was a young mum, I felt like I needed to do lots of different things to please other people: be involved in certain ministries, develop specific activities with my children, follow different routines. But God spoke into my life about how He wanted me not to follow other people’s opinions or calling, but ‌His calling for us as a family. 

Emma Simpson on Unsplash

God reminded me that my time on earth as my children’s steward is finite. Therefore, I am to live wisely and surrender to God’s will and His specific calling for us.

As a Christian mum, my children are my first disciples, and rather than conforming to the patterns of the world, I am to focus on bringing up my children in God’s righteousness.

Questions for reflection

  • How can you disciple your children in your everyday routines?
  • Are there any activities you need to let go of in order to focus on discipling your children?


Lord, I pray for us as mums that you would help us and give us wisdom in how we can disciple our children well, and how we can teach them your ways, your heart, your goodness and your grace. Help us to do this in our everyday lives, as we do life with our children. I know it’s going to look different for different people, but I just pray that you would give us the grace to disciple our children well, and to understand that our time as their stewards is finite. They won’t always be under our care, but while they are, help us to be good stewards of the time we have and help us to teach them about you. Amen.

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