Faith,  Prayers and Psalms

A Prayer For The Mother Who Struggles With Anxiety

Ok, so today I thought I’d share a prayer for mothers who struggle with anxiety as this is probably the number one issue mothers I know admit to (aside from guilt).

Also, it’s something I’ve struggled with as well in the past, and something I still need to take before God in prayer.

Before I get into the prayer, first I want to address what I believe to be the root cause of our anxiety as mothers.

Root causes of anxiety

I believe there are two root causes of our anxiety.

One is a lack of application regarding certain key truths about God: His goodness, His love, and His sovereignty.

When we’re anxious about money, we are not meditating on the truth that we are children of a God who is so good that He dresses the lilies of the field. When we’re anxious about the future of our family, we are not meditating on the truth that God is sovereign and works all things together for our good, and His glory.

The other root cause for our anxiety is often idolatry. Yes, you read that right. We want to have control of our lives (and sometimes the lives of others) because we treasure certain things over God Himself (money, security, career, comfort, family).

When we let God come first in our lives, and we love Him above all else, we can finally surrender our desires for comfort, money, career, family.

When we demote our idols and devote our hearts to God alone, we relinquish control and we let God be God. It’s in that beautiful place of sweet surrender that we experience peace beyond measure.

For this to happen though, we need to apply Truth about God to our circumstances and pray continously. So, let’s get into the prayer:


Lord, I pray You would set me free from the anxiety I’m experiencing. Help me let go of my fear, as I apply the truth of who You are to my thoughts. Your word says You cause all things to work together for my good and Your glory.

Thank You Lord that You are Sovereign, Holy and always Good. May Your will prevail over my life.

Thank You for Your holiness, which means You won’t fail.

Thank You for Your love, which means You will take care of me.

Thank You for Your power, which means You can break all chains and no scheme of the enemy can prevail against me.

Lord, I pray I would love You first, above all else. Above money. Above my career. Above my family. Above my comfort.

Help me to live in total abandon to You, as I trust in Your goodness and love.

I pray that You would fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I can have close communion to You, become like You, and give fruit.


That’s it for today. If this prayer blessed you, share it with a friend. 🙂

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