Faith,  Mission,  Missional Motherhood,  Podcast

The No.1 Thing Jesus Mamas Need To Share The Gospel With Their Kids

This is episode 4 in the Missional Motherhood Series. Today we’re looking at the number one thing Jesus Mamas need to share the Gospel with their kids.

Missional Motherhood – The No.1 Thing Jesus Mamas Need To Share The Gospel With Their Kids

As Christian mamas, there’s really only one thing we need to share the Gospel with our kids. A close relationship with God. That’s it!

I remember back when I was a young mum, I would often read blog posts about baby sleep and much of the advice for moms ran something like this: you can’t pour from an empty cup. Essentially, moms were advised to rest, in order to look after their kids properly.

As Christian moms who desire to share the Gospel, it’s much the same way. We can’t give what we don’t have. If our relationship with God is distant or virtually non-existent, we won’t have much to share with our children. We might give them information about the Bible, but we won’t help them meet the living Christ.

I want that for my children. I want them to encounter Jesus. I want them to be followers, not just believers.

And so, as a mama, my priority needs to be my relationship with God. I can’t pour into the spiritual lives of my children without being full myself. Jesus has that for me. He has that for you.

The Challenge

So, mama, if you’ve been feeling spiritually stagnant, I want to challenge you to turn to God right now, wherever you are (pause this episode!) and 

  • Confess to God how you’re feeling
  • Turn to Him in prayer and confess any sin and ask for forgiveness
  • Ask God to fill you with His Spirit and to draw you to all truth
  • Ask God to give you a new passion for His name 
  • Ask God to reveal Himself to you through Scripture. 

Then, once you’ve received from God, don’t keep it to yourself. Pour out into the lives of your children! Here’s what you can pray:

  • Ask God to give you the right words to share the Gospel with your children. 
  • Ask God to help you share your testimony with them. 
  • Ask God to help you read the Bible to your kids and have deep and honest conversations about His word
  • Pray for your children. Constantly. Not in fear or doubt, but in confidence in the God who hears the prayers of the righteous. 

So that’s my challenge for you today, and, as I close, I have a lovely verse to encourage you in this:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

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