Podcast,  Rest in God

Truly My Soul Finds Rest In God

From the Rest in God Devotional Series

I’m so excited to share with you the Truly My Soul Finds Rest in God devotion today as it’s the first in the Rest in God Devotional Series here on the Blog and over at the Podcast.

This six-week devotion series is designed to help us, mommas, to find rest in God, amidst the busyness that is mum life.

Each devotion is short and contains a focus verse, a short reflection with my personal stories and insights, two or three questions for reflection and a prayer.

The Blog Posts and Podcast Episodes in this short devotional series will go live every Thursday for the next 6 weeks. If you’d like to get notified when each new devotion goes live on this blog, please subscribe to this website’s notification bell.

You can also follow the Unique Mums Podcast on Spotify.

So without further ado, here’s this week’s devotion.

Truly My Soul Finds Rest in God – Podcast S1 E1

Focus Verse

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Psalm 62:1


One of the most common confessions I hear from mommas (from my Instagram polls and my Christian mum ministry group) is that they are busy. Ok, let me rephrase that! One of the most common confessions from mommas, including myself, is that we are busy.

Yes, some mums are in busier stages than others, but busyness is part and parcel of the whole mum gig. 

I won’t tire you out with examples of what is likely part of your to-do list. I will simply give you my example of busyness (perhaps hearing me will help you?) and a wonderful take-away encouragement for you.

So today I’m busy. (Big surprise!) I have my ministry work (writing, translating, sharing social media content), housework (how does the house get dirty in one day!!) and child care (taking the kids to see the Christmas lights in town).

I also have to go by the post office to get a package. Go by a shop to get a present. And then I have never-ending piles of laundry waiting for me when I get back home. And the cat’s litter tray to sort out. (Gross!)

But I am at rest, even though I’m busy. Not because I’m confident that all will go well today. And not because I think I’m some sort of super-woman. (Indeed, as a mum of three, I’m extremely realistic about my inability to do everything! )

I am at rest because my soul rests on this firm foundation: I have salvation. 

Jesus rescued me from the power of sin and death by dying for my sins on the cross and resurrecting on the third day. My sins were laid on Him, and His righteousness is laid on me. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

I am cleansed, made perfect, washed clean. 

This truth brings me rest, in the midst of the busyness of life. This truth brings me rest in the midst of the calamities of the worldwide pandemic. This truth brings me rest in the midst of my troubles and strife.

So, momma, in your busyness today, I encourage you to meditate on this wonderful firm foundation: your soul is safe in the arms of the Father. You are saved. Redeemed. Forgiven. 

Though your body, mind and emotions may be busy, your soul can rest in God’s wonderful salvation.

Questions for reflection

– What Bible verses can you use to help remind you of your salvation today?

– How does knowing God’s redemption help you put your busyness into perspective? 


Thank you Father that amidst the busyness of life I can find true rest in you because my soul rests in your salvation. Thank you Jesus that you took my every sin on the cross and you give me your beautiful righteousness so that I can approach God’s throne of grace with confidence. 

Help me Lord, to rest in you today, despite the busyness of my circumstances. And please help me to love others well and share with them the hope of my salvation.


truly my soul finds rest in God

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