My Soul, Wait In Silence For God Alone
From the Silence Is Golden Devotional Series
Today I’m sharing a new devotion in the series, and this one is about the importance of placing our hope in God and waiting for Him in terms of direction and provision.
So let’s get into it:
My Soul, Wait In Silence For God Alone – S5 E2
Focus Verse
My soul, wait in silence for God alone, for my hope is from Him. – Psalm 62:5
As people, we often put our hope in future circumstances, like the day we leave uni and join the workforce. Or the day, we get married.
As mothers, we often hope for certain things in our lives as parents: the day our babies smile back at us, the day our preschoolers dress themselves, the day our children are able to read books to themselves.
The bottom line is that we believe joy will be ours when we get what we hope for. And so we try to make our desires come true. We anchor our hope to them. But there’s a problem, those things don’t fully satisfy when God is out of the equation.
Indeed, God’s word shows us the importance of not putting our ultimate hope in specific circumstances or even people, but placing our hope in Him alone.
That’s what waiting in Him is all about. Trusting in God above all else. Not trying to take control, but waiting for His will and His direction. God is the Only One who can truly bless us and give us life to the full.
When we wait for God and place our hope in Him, we live a life of freedom from anxiety and fear, because our hope is no longer anchored to changeable circumstances but the Rock of Ages. And when we trust in Him, we can wait in silence for God to do His will, in His timing.
So, today I’d like to encourage you to put your hope in God, mama.
Questions for reflection
- In which situations do you feel tempted to take control instead of waiting for God?
- How can you grow in trusting God?
Thank you, Lord, that I can trust in You completely because You alone are worthy of my trust. Help me to anchor my hope to You alone, and not act out of fear or anxiety. Help me wait patiently for You. Lord, I confess my fears and anxieties, and I pray I would tether my life to Your truth. Amen.
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