Hacks,  Homemaking

5 Ways To Save On Household Expenses This Winter

Hi mama! Today I’m sharing 5 ways we can save on household expenses this Winter.

As homemakers and stewards of that which God has given us, being wise with our resources is supremely important. While God provides for our needs, He also instructs us to be good stewards of that which He puts under our care.

So let’s look at some ways we can save on household expenses this Winter, as prices go up and heating gets ever more expensive.

5 Ways To Save On Household Expenses This Winter

1. Cook less

reduce energy costs by cooking less
Reduce energy costs by reducing cooking time. Jason Briscoe on Unsplash.

This one is strange, but with energy costs set to go off the roof this winter, it makes total sense. I’m not talking about going to a restaurant, or getting a take-out (unless someone else pays 😂).

I’m talking about using the oven and cooker less. This could include:

– Eating raw vegetables, instead of cooked.

– Quickly pan-frying, instead of roasting.

– Air-frying for a couple of minutes, instead of baking for 30 minutes.

– Slow cooking instead of long roasting.

Basically cooking in an energy-efficient way.

2. Wear more clothes

save on household expenses by wearing more warm clothes
Wear warm clothes in the house and reduce electricity costs. Curvd on Unsplash.

Don’t want to pay hundreds on gas or electricity? Don’t use your house’s central heating system all the time! Instead, wear more clothes and invest in warm fabrics. You can also make the house snug and cosy, by lighting candles.

If you live in a very cold area, try to reduce the number of hours when the heating is on, and make sure your windows are sealed well, so heat doesn’t escape.

If you need to dry clothes, avoid turning the heating on or using the dryer. Instead, put your clothes on an extra short spin cycle in the washing-machine to remove as much water as possible. Then place the clothes on lines outside, near open windows (if it’s dry), or high up.

3. Reduce meat

eat less meat to save money
Reduce food costs by cutting back on meat. Jose Ignacio on Unsplash.

We all know it, but sometimes we need reminding: meat is expensive. To cut on costs, consider eating vegetarian dishes a couple of times a week. If you don’t fancy a complete vegetarian dish, simply use smaller quantities of meat in your dishes, and bulk up on beans and eggs.

To reduce meat costs, you could also try shopping around for the best prices. Some butchers may work out cheaper than the local supermarket.

4. Stop buying drinks!

stop buying drinks to save money
Whenever possible cut down on store-bought drinks. Giovanna Gomes on Unsplash.

Drinks are expensive. From beers, to wine, to juice. Even bottled sparkling or still water comes at a higher cost than simple tap water.

Consider drinking chilled tap water if you fancy a cold drink and herbal teas and coffee that you can buy in bulk, if you fancy a hot drink.

Instead of buying instant chocolate powder, make hot chocolate with cocoa, boiling water, a dash of milk, and some sweetener.

5. Cook double quantities

save on household expenses - cook double quantities
Cook double and save! Jason Briscoe on Unsplash.

To save on your electricity bill, cook a double quantity of dishes like minces, stews, and soups, and then chill for another day that same week.

When you do use the oven for cooking, make sure to fill it with different dishes, to make the most of the heat. If making bread, or cake, batch cook and store in air-tight containers.

That’s it. Do you have any other suggestions you’d like to add?

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ways to save on household expenses

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