Faith,  Poetry and Reflections

Surrender – A Christian Poem

Hi mama! Today, I’m sharing a poem based on my experience regarding anxiety and God’s deliverance. This poem focuses on the amazing blessing we experience when we surrender to God’s will and stop striving on our own.

Indeed, often anxiety comes about from a focus on self, instead of surrender to God. When we hold on to our will and our abilities, instead of trusting in the Creator of the Universe, who is also our Heavenly Father.

So, here goes:


I trudge up the hill

Bearing my burdens with a groan

My heart buckling under the weight

Of carrying a load alone

The pressure becomes intolerable

I relinquish my desire to control

My soul cries out in despair:

“Lord, I need you. Take my all.”

In that sweet moment of surrender

The eyes of my heart see afresh

Your glory and Your splendour

Breaking the weight of the flesh

Then as a crashing wave

Peace inundates my soul

It permeates my every thought

Making me new. Making me whole. 

Bible Encouragement

I’d like to encourage you today to turn to God when you’re anxious. Examine yourself and find the situations, the people or the circumstances that you’re trying to hold control over, and release those to God’s will. Surrender to Him. Let His will prevail. When you do, I can guarantee your heart will find peace again.

As it says in God’s word: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6, 7)

In the verses above, it’s clear that when we present our requests to God with a heart of thanksgiving and worship, and we totally surrender to His will, God’s peace, which transcends understanding, will guard us.

So in those moments of anxiety, it’s important you read God’s word and pray about your anxiety, while surrendering to God’s will.

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